Gender Influence on Undergraduates Students’ Acceptance of Mobile Learning Instruction using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)


  • Gloria Adedoja University of Ibadan
  • Daniel A. Morakinyo University of Ibadan


Mobile Learning, Gender, Technology Acceptance Model,


The term mobile learning (m-learning) refers to the use of mobile and handheld IT devices, such as Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), mobile telephones, laptops and tablet PC technologies, in teaching and learning. The use of these devices are gradually increasing and diversifying across every sector of education in both the developed and developing worlds. It is gradually moving from small-scale, short-term trials to a larger more sustained and blended deployment. In this study, 216 undergraduate students of the University of Ibadan were exposed to mobile learning platform using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM Model). The model contained the following variables: perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude, peer-influence, behavioural intention to use, interest, technology self-efficacy and acceptance. The paper discussed gender influence on these variables, implications and findings were discussed and recommendations were given.

Author Biographies

  • Gloria Adedoja, University of Ibadan

    Department of Teacher Education

    Senior Lecturer

  • Daniel A. Morakinyo, University of Ibadan

    Department of Teacher Education



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How to Cite

Gender Influence on Undergraduates Students’ Acceptance of Mobile Learning Instruction using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). (2016). Asian Journal of Education and E-Learning, 4(2).

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