Life's Learning Path Towards Cross-disciplinary Competencies: An Assessment


  • Maarika Piispanen Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius
  • Merja Meriläinen Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius


multi-disciplinary, project learning, assessment, authentic learning, contextual-pedagogical learning environments


At the moment, the changes affecting school and education are topics of discussion more than ever before. The new core curriculum for basic education (2014) and digitalization of learning tools serve as major ignitors of discussion: nowadays information and communication technology reach the teacher and the pupil elsewhere, not just in the ICT class of the school - it moves wirelessly everywhere, backpacks and pockets too. The change in school and in education is not only the new introduction of premises, places or tools but also above all the updating of the teachers' professionality to correspond with today's ideas of good learning and of realizing the curriculum as a part of the pupil's life. It means the awareness and skills of what today's teaching and learning contain, what kind of learning theory directs operation and how the teacher's own professionality meets these changes.

In this article we examine the pupil's assessment as a part of the multi-disciplinary learning process from the points of view of transformational pedagogy (transformational pedagogic, QED) and the core curriculum (2014). The objective is to identify ways which are based on these and methods to develop teaching and learning so that every learner has equal chances to learn, grow and to develop in the environments which support learning whilst developing their cross-disciplinary skills. The article presents and explains one multidisciplinary learning module, Dive into culture through games -learning project, which is based on the learning theory of the new core curriculum 2014. The model of contextual pedagogical approach for learning and the examination of the different dimensions of the teachers' knowledge and skills of the 2000s (Piispanen & Meriläinen 2013) form a theoretical frame of reference for the learning project.

The results show that the planning and implementation of teaching, which is based on the contextual pedagogical model of teaching and learning, supports the individual learning of the pupil in the National Curriculum 2014 (OPS 2014) frame of reference in the context of the basic education. 

Author Biographies

  • Maarika Piispanen, Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius

    Maarika Piispanen D.Ed: university teacher in Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius. Primary school teacher educator in adult teacher education. The main areas of her work in pre-service teacher training studies are linked with the following: pedagogical aspect in pre-primary and primary education, the development of learning environments from Contextual-pedagogical approach and working with different practicum periods.

  • Merja Meriläinen, Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius

    Merja Meriläinen PhD, Ed.M. is a University Lecturer, working as a Primary School Teacher Educator in Adult Teacher Training in Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius. Her sphere of responsibilities in Pre-service Teacher Training studies are as following: didactical and pedagogical studies, Finnish Language and literature, CLIL and Immersion Education and the final practicum period in advanced special studies.

    At the moment the main research focuses on developing both pre- and in-service teachers’ pedagogical skills, working methods and tools to create versatile learning environments by paying attention primarily on students´ individual learning skills in 21st Century learning environments.


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How to Cite

Life’s Learning Path Towards Cross-disciplinary Competencies: An Assessment. (2017). Asian Journal of Education and E-Learning, 4(6).

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