Effect of Electronic Dictionary as an ICT Tool on English Collocation Learning of EFL Learners


  • Zeinab Toghyani Murnani
  • Hadi Salehi


Informational and Communicational Technology (ICT), Collocation, Electronic Dictionary, Vocabulary


Within the last few two decades, media technology has diversified the forms of learners' dictionaries, as electronic dictionaries, for example those on CD-ROM or online, have become well-known among EFL learners all over the world therefore, the degree at which electronic dictionaries have been substituting their printed counterparts is impressive, though not altogether unpredicted. The electronic dictionary has significantly evolved as one of the most popular tools by learners. The main purpose of this study was to investigate on the impacts of using an electronic dictionary in learning a second language collocation. To achieve the intended purposes, an Oxford Placement Test (OPT) was run among 340 learners in 6 different language institutes. Those learners who scored between 40 to 50 were chosen as the intermediate level. After selecting 100 participants based on the results of the OPT, they were placed in two groups, namely experimental, and control. The participants of the experimental group received new teaching methods of collocations via the electronic collocation dictionary (ECD), while the control group were taught based on the traditional teaching methods. In order to collect the data, participants ‘first was given a pre-test, then after teaching, posttest and last one was the delayed posttest. The findings demonstrated that the experimental group using [ED] significantly have outperformed the ones in control group in their acquisition of collocations. In conclusion, the results of the study revealed that employing an electronic collocation dictionary could create a desirable condition to enhance the EFL learners ‘acquisition of collocations. This study also has some pedagogical implications for using ED as an influential learning tool in teaching vocabulary.



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How to Cite

Effect of Electronic Dictionary as an ICT Tool on English Collocation Learning of EFL Learners. (2015). Asian Journal of Education and E-Learning, 3(5). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJEEL/article/view/3095

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