Prediction of Student Final Exam Performance in an Introductory Programming Course: Development and Validation of the Use of a Support Vector Machine-Regression Model


  • Ashok Kumar Veerasamy University of Turku
  • Daryl D'Souza RMIT University
  • Rolf Lindén Researcher, University of Turku
  • Mikko-Jussi Laakso University of Turku



Prior programming knowledge, At-risk students, Predictive data mining models, machine learning approach


This paper presents a Support Vector Machine predictive model to determine if prior programming knowledge and completion of in-class and take home formative assessment tasks might be suitable predictors of examination performance. Student data from the academic years 2012 - 2016 for an introductory programming course was captured via ViLLE e-learning tool for analysis. The results revealed that student prior programming knowledge and assessment scores captured in a predictive model, is a good fit of the data. However, while overall success of the model is significant, predictions on identifying at-risk students is neither high nor low and that persuaded us to include two more research questions. However, our preliminary post analysis on these test results show that on average students who secured less than 70% in formative assessment scores with little or basic prior programming knowledge in programming may fail in the final programming exam and increase the prediction accuracy in identifying at-risk students from 46% to nearly 63%. Hence, these results provide immediate information for programming course instructors and students to enhance teaching and learning process.


Author Biographies

  • Ashok Kumar Veerasamy, University of Turku

    Researcher, Department of Future Technologies


  • Daryl D'Souza, RMIT University
    Senior Lecturer, School of Computer Science and Information Technology
  • Rolf Lindén, Researcher, University of Turku
    Researcher, Department of Future Technologies
  • Mikko-Jussi Laakso, University of Turku
    Adjunct Professor, Department of Future Technologies


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How to Cite

Prediction of Student Final Exam Performance in an Introductory Programming Course: Development and Validation of the Use of a Support Vector Machine-Regression Model. (2019). Asian Journal of Education and E-Learning, 7(1).

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