The Effectiveness of Face-to-Face Tutoring on the Mastery of Law of Distance Education Students


  • Mr. Sriyono Universitas Terbuka


Face-to-Face Tutoring, Law Course Materials


Face-to-face Tutoring by tutors is highly effective for students in mastering the materials of law. There is an overall significant improvement in learning outcomes after following face-to-face tutoring, both on cognitive as well as affective aspects. Only a small part of the face-to-face tutoring does not affect the mastery of the materials, especially in the high group.


Face-to-face tutoring is one of the learning forms provided by the Open University (Universitas Terbuka). The tutorial of the S1PGSD (Bachelor Degree of Elementary Education Program) is held in eight meetings in a semester in one of the coursesis “Elementary School Civic Education Materials and Learningâ€. The method employed in the pretest and posttest of the experimental research is aimed at measuring the effectiveness of the model in learning achievement on the subjects after the treatment. The research sample is a study group in the Serang Regional Office, i.e. four learning group study treatments, which followed face-to-face tutoring. The samples, which were determined using probability sampling, were among the S1 students in the Serang Regional Office.


The research data shows that the students’achievement in the Low Group had significant imrpovement.A smallportion of face-to-face tutoringdid not impact the students’ mastery of the materials. It is supported by three categories of students: 1) those who relied only on the explanation by the tutor and did not study the learning materials, 2)those who not only learned the learning materials but also seriously followedthe tutorials, and3)those who did not follow the face-to-face tutoring nor learned the learning materials, but gained knowledge from materialsoutside of the university’s learning materials and tutorials.


The students stated that the tutorials were very helpful in understanding the learning materials, especially for understanding difficult terms. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of the face-to-face tutoring on the students’mastery of the law materials. To learn the law materials is important, because it needs early awareness of the law.


The results of this study in relation toface-to-face tutoring is expected to be developed by the S1 Elementary Education Program in the Faculty of Education in order to improve the students’ abilities and help them get accustomed to think, judge, and make decisions when faced with issues in learning the materials. To further strengthen of the students’ capability, the Open University students should learn through modules independently, but they also need to follow face-to-face tutoring.




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How to Cite

The Effectiveness of Face-to-Face Tutoring on the Mastery of Law of Distance Education Students. (2015). Asian Journal of Education and E-Learning, 3(5).

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