The Effect of Quizlet on Vocabulary Acquisition


  • Abdulaziz B Sanosi Prince Sattam ibn Abdulaziz University



Quizlet – MALL – CALL – Vocabulary Acquisition


This study concerns with the major objective of foreign language teaching: vocabulary acquisition. The modern trends of teaching and the vast advance of technology enable teachers to use online and mobile applications in a very wide range. The real effect of using such a method need to be measured. Accordingly, this experimental-design study investigated the effect of Quizlet, a rapidly growing application with an online and mobile phone version, on vocabulary acquisition. Two groups of low-level EFL learners at Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia ( N = 42) participated in the study. Each group underwent a pretest and a posttest to assess their acquisition of the assigned vocabulary lessons that were extracted from their syllabus. After using Quizlet for vocabulary learning for a month, the experimental group participants show a significant improvement in vocabulary posttest. Accordingly, the study acknowledges and recommends using the application at university level


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How to Cite

The Effect of Quizlet on Vocabulary Acquisition. (2018). Asian Journal of Education and E-Learning, 6(4).

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