Edible Coating Materials: Effect on the Quality of Smoked-dried African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus Burchell, 1822)


  • Stanislaus U. Okorie
  • Adedokun I. Ishola Imo State Polytechnic, Umuagwo-Ohaji Imo State Nigeria
  • Ngozi U. Oparah
  • Iwuala F. N.


edible coating, corn flour, cassava flour, wheat flour, smoking, catfish


The effect of edible coating materials on the quality of smoked catfish was conducted. Dried mixed beads coating was made from difference carbohydrate materials (corn, cassava and wheat flour) respectively with the addition of carboxy-methyl cellulose at 5:1 ratio. Twenty five table-sizes catfish was into cut of 4-5cm length and then divided into four parts according to the type of coating beads and smoked using traditional method. The adhesion degree, smoking loss and yield was determined. Also, the proximate composition, mineral elements and sensory evaluation of the smoked fish cuts was analyzed. The adhesion degree, smoking loss and yield was different significantly (p< 0.05) among the smoked fish samples. The proximate composition values and sensory attributes of samples were deferred. The fish sample coated with wheat beads had the highest 13.22 and 94.84% values for adhesion degree and yield respectively, but showed the least smoking loss 17.25%. The range value of proximate composition such as 66.11-67.97% protein and 15.10-16.10% fat of the coated smoked fish was higher than 63.09% and 13.45% (control). The control sample had the least moisture content 8.80% and highest nitrogen free extracts. There was no well-defined pattern for mineral content (mg/100g), calcium (6.92) was the highest among the mineral elements of the smoked fish, followed by 3.78 potassium, 1.98 iron, 1.27 zinc and the least value of 0.321mg/100g was discovered on manganese. This result showed the potential of using edible coating material most especially when using traditional method of fish smoking.

Author Biography

  • Adedokun I. Ishola, Imo State Polytechnic, Umuagwo-Ohaji Imo State Nigeria

    Department of Food Science and Tchnology




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How to Cite

Edible Coating Materials: Effect on the Quality of Smoked-dried African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus Burchell, 1822). (2015). Asian Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 3(2). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJAFS/article/view/2382

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