Effect of Rice Bran Substitution on the Physicochemical Properties of Water Yam Flour


  • C. N. Egbedike Department of Food Science and Technology Ebonyi State University, P.M.B 053,
  • N. O. Ozo Department of Food Science and Technology, Ebonyi State University, P.M.B 053, Abakaliki,
  • O. J. Ikegwu Department of Food Science and Technology, Ebonyi State University, P.M.B 053, Abakaliki,
  • M. O. Odo Department of Food Science and Technology, Ebonyi State University, P.M.B 053, Abakaliki,
  • P. A. Okorie Department of Food Science and Technology, Ebonyi State University, P.M.B 053, Abakaliki,


Rice bran, water yam flour, proximate, functional, phytochemical, pasting properties


This work was performed to investigate the effect of rice bran substitution on the nutritive value of water yam flour. The chemical, functional, phytochemical and pasting properties of the flour were determined. The result indicated that 60WYF:40RB% had the highest protein (26.60%), fat (14.00%) and energy (380.84 kcal), ash (4.03%), while 60WYF:40RB% had the highest moisture content (13.99%). Sample 60WYF:40RB% had the highest alkaloid (7.50%), oxalate (3.82 mg/100g) and saponin (38.50%). The result showed that 60WYF:40RB% flour had the highest water absorption capacity (220%), oil absorption capacity (300%), bulk density (0.67g/ml) and low in foaming capacity (4.00%).There was a significant difference (P<0.05) among the samples. Furthermore, it is worthy to note that as level of substitution of water yam with rice bran increased, nutritive value of composite flour blends was improved.


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How to Cite

Effect of Rice Bran Substitution on the Physicochemical Properties of Water Yam Flour. (2016). Asian Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 4(5). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJAFS/article/view/4031

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