Physico-Functional and Starch Pasting Properties of Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Cruntz) Flours as Influenced by Processing Technique and Varietal Variations
This study investigated effects of processing technique and varietal variations on the physico-functional, starch pasting and viscoelastic properties of cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) flours using a 3x6 factorial experimental approach. Samples were evaluated for their non-volatile acidity, pH, swelling power, solubility water absorption capacity (27oC and 70oC), colour and starch pasting characteristics of the cassava flours using standard methods. Grating and soaking of the cassava tubers significantly (p<0.05) reduced the pH of all the varieties with concomitant increases in non-volatile acidity. Grating and soaking significantly (p<0.05) reduced the swelling power, solubility and water absorption capacity of the flours. Soaked Chila B flour recorded the highest pasting temperature of 66.9°C whiles soaked Mweulu flour recorded the highest peak viscosity (684 BU), viscosity at 95oC (683 BU) and viscosity at 95oC-hold (359 BU), suggesting that the flours from the different cassava varieties could be targeted for different food and industrial products.
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Copyright (c) 2021 E. O. Afoakwa, Gilbert O. Sampson, D. Nyirenda, C. N. Mwansa, L. Brimer, L. Chiwona-Karltun

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