Physical, Chemical and Sensory Attributes of Tapioca Grits from Different Cassava Varieties


  • B. C. Ijioma
  • N. C. Ihediohanma
  • D. C. Okafor Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo Statr, Nigeria
  • C. E. Ofoedu
  • C. N. Ojimba


Tapioca grits, cassava variety, physicochemical, sensory properties


The physical, chemical and sensory attributes of tapioca grits from different cassava varieties were studied. Four different cassava varieties NR 8082, NR 8083, TME 419 and Odongbo were used for this study. Using standard methods and statistical analysis where 5% probability in difference was taken to be significant, the result showed that varietal effects was significant in all physical parameters (Bulk density, water & oil absorption capacity, gelatinization temperature, swelling index , boiling temperature and HCN) but no significant difference was observed on their pH values. The result also showed that there was no significant difference in varietal effect in the proximate composition of the cassava grits. The result obtained from this work further showed that the sensory analysis showed significant difference only in mouthfeel, taste and overall acceptability for the tapioca grits. Odongbo was accepted as the best of the variety used for this work followed by TME 419 as the closest substitute. Therefore, Odongbo was recommended for production of cassava grits based on the physicochemical and sensory attributes.

Author Biography

  • D. C. Okafor, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo Statr, Nigeria

    Department of Food Science and Technology

    Assistant Lecturer


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How to Cite

Physical, Chemical and Sensory Attributes of Tapioca Grits from Different Cassava Varieties. (2016). Asian Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 4(1).

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