Structural Poverty of Farmers in Rural Area (A Case Study at Mlorah Village of Rejoso Sub District of Nganjuk Regency)


  • Marjoko Santoso University of Brawijaya, Malang - East Java - Indonesia
  • Hotman Siahaan
  • Sanggar Kanto


Poverty, small farmers, farm workers, disparity of development


Rural areas in Indonesia are identical with agriculture. Likewise, poverty is also identical with rural area. So poverty and agriculture are interconnected. It means rural poverty was deeply embedded to agriculture. Poverty alleviation focused on agricultural sector was expected to have a significant impact against poverty reduction. This study aims to identify the structural poverty of small farmers and farm worker and its causes. Informants in this study were farmers, farm laborers, landlords, and village officials. They were selected using purposive sampling technique which is a technique of data source sampling with the assumption that informant was exploited to provide information about the situation, conditions and backgrounds of research. Informant involved must have experience and knowledge about issues covered in the study. Results from the study was that poor farmers and farm workers in rural areas have experienced poverty which includes: limited access to education, small/less income of farmer due to limited area of the farm, uncertain labor wage, as well as less feasible housing condition in terms of health and sanitation. While regarding causes of poverty, among others was due to impacts of institutional organization patterns which include dependence of poor farmers against higher social classes, structural injustice, control of productive asset by the poor and the powerlessness of the poor themselves. Development disparity was also another farmer’s structural poverty factor in addition to uneven access to public services and less pro-poor policies.


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How to Cite

Structural Poverty of Farmers in Rural Area (A Case Study at Mlorah Village of Rejoso Sub District of Nganjuk Regency). (2017). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 4(6).

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