Why so Many Chinese Students Come to the U.S. for their Higher Education


  • Chiang-nan Chao st. john's university, new York, usa




International students, Chinese students in U.S.


This study focuses on why Chinese students come to the U.S. for their higher education. This student population plays a vital role in American colleges and universities, and provides a much needed source of financial revenue. The results indicate that Chinese students are seeking education with a worldview and opt to break from the Chinese system of learning. This article seeks to offer both academicians and university administrators a better understanding of the reasons of these Chinese students, and contributes to the knowledge area extant on this population.

Author Biography

  • Chiang-nan Chao, st. john's university, new York, usa

    Chiang-nan Chao, PhD, Professor of Management, earned his MBA from Lamar University, and his Ph.D. in Supply Chain Management and International Business from Arizona State University. His articles, books, book chapters, conference papers, conference presentations, and case studies, etc. have published in many leading journals and conferences, i.e., Journal of World Business, the Journal of Supply Chain Management, the International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, the Journal of Strategic Marketing, the Journal of Education for Business, the Industrial Marketing Management, Organizations and People, Journal of Teaching in International Business, etc.


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How to Cite

Why so Many Chinese Students Come to the U.S. for their Higher Education. (2018). Asian Journal of Education and E-Learning, 6(3). https://doi.org/10.24203/ajeel.v6i3.5306

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