Learning Model Based Character on Archipelago and Plurality in Elementary School on Ternate, North Maluku


  • Gufran Ali Ibrahim
  • Said Hasan
  • Abdu Mas’ud, Sundari Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Khairun University, Ternate


learning models, characters, islands, plurality


Research development with the aim of producing  (output) a character-based learning model archipelago and pluralism in an elementary school in Ternate. This study is an effort to implement the curriculum in primary schools in 2013 through the design study model by integrating the values of cultural character and diversity of island communities. This research was conducted in three elementary schools in Ternate, which Akemalako State Elementary School, Elementary School 2 Gambesi and Tubo Presidential Primary School. The three schools were chosen by purposive sampling. This research resulted in two products based instructional video recording of characters in the first semester of the fifth grade with the theme of "objects in the environment" at the three pilot schools and has been validated. The tests showed that the character-based learning model is used as a model worthy of thematic integrative learning in high grade in the implementation of Curriculum 2013.



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How to Cite

Learning Model Based Character on Archipelago and Plurality in Elementary School on Ternate, North Maluku. (2016). Asian Journal of Education and E-Learning, 4(2). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJEEL/article/view/3641

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