A Study of Young Taiwanese Consumers’ Attitude toward Internet Transnational Surrogate Buyer Service: Perspectives from Merchandise Attribute, Consumers’ Perceived Result and Characteristics


  • Huey-Wen Chou National Central University
  • Chi-Long Yen National Central University
  • Li-Ru Hwand National Central University


Internet transnational surrogate buyer service, merchandise characteristics, perceived result, openness, materialism


With the increasing popularity of Internet usage, Internet economy has flourished.  The total revenue of Taiwan’s Internet business was 562 billion NT dollars in 2011 and 10% of it was contributed to overseas shopping.  Based on Theory of Reasoned Action, this study investigates the relationship between selected variables and consumers’ attitude towards using Internet transnational surrogate buyer services. The selected variables include merchandise attributes (price, brand name and warranty), consumers’ perceived results (benefit and risk), consumers’ characteristics (openness and materialism).  The results of this study show that all but two of our hypotheses are supported by our empirical data.  Based on the findings of this study, price and warranty do not have significant impact on consumers’ behavior on using Internet Transnational Surrogate Buyer Service.  Therefore, this study suggests that Internet transnational buyer service providers need to pay more attention to ‘brand name’ instead of ‘price’ or ‘warranty’ when they develop marketing strategy.

Author Biographies

  • Huey-Wen Chou, National Central University

    Department of Information Management


  • Chi-Long Yen, National Central University
    Department of Information Management
  • Li-Ru Hwand, National Central University
    Department of Information Management


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How to Cite

A Study of Young Taiwanese Consumers’ Attitude toward Internet Transnational Surrogate Buyer Service: Perspectives from Merchandise Attribute, Consumers’ Perceived Result and Characteristics. (2017). Asian Journal of Computer and Information Systems, 4(6). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJCIS/article/view/4276

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