Cloud Computing: Software as a Service (SaaS ) Model in Academic Book Publication


  • Usman-Hamza F. E. Department of Physical Sciences(Computer Science unit) Al- Hikmah University, Adewole Housing Estate,Adeta road, PMB 1601,Ilorin,Kwara State


Cloud computing is an attractive concept from several points of view for next generation online journal/book publication. It supports shared information repositories as well as sharing the real time and asynchronous interaction between teachers and learners. The promise of virtual universities in the cloud has been highlighted by the growing interest in On line Book Publications (OLBP) which are naturally hosted on clouds. The data collated are and will be stored in immense clouds with co-located storage and computing that performs "analytics" that transform data into information The basic delivery model of OLBP’s is reasonably traditional with the scaling of clouds added. OLBP’s emphasize new collaboration models for the interaction between mentors (graders, publishers) and students (clients). We suggest that OLBP’s technology can be used in different ways. Rather than single publishing company aimed at many clients, we suggest that an alternative is multiple publishing companies customized for different communities. This transformation will drive the economy and create millions of opportunities in the emerging area of "academics". We discuss this revolution and its implications for individuals, universities, college of educations, polytechnics and the society.



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How to Cite

Cloud Computing: Software as a Service (SaaS ) Model in Academic Book Publication. (2013). Asian Journal of Computer and Information Systems, 1(4).