Martin Heidegger‘s Notions of World and Technology in the Internet of Things age


  • Oliver Christ


Martin Heidegger, Ubiqouitous Computing, Philosophy of Technology, Beeing-in-the-World


The Internet of Things designates a vision of an informationalized world, in which everyday objects are modified through computer technology such as RFID, sensors and sensor systems, tracking systems, or small computer units, giving them additional information or functions and integrating them with their environment. This paper explores the phenomenon of Internet of Things by applying some of the key concepts found in the philosophical works of Martin Heidegger and conducts a critical analysis using Martin Heidegger’s reflections on “world†and “technology†from Sein und Zeit (Being and Time) of 1957, and from the paper “Die Frage nach der Technik†(“The Question Concerning Technologyâ€). The concept of “Ge-stell†introduced by Martin Heidegger to the philosophy of technology describes the situation of mankind and technology in a world shaped by modern technology. Both, mankind and technology, are tied to one dimension and share the same world. The world has been shaped and redesigned by technology, and the individual is completely tied into the technologized world.

The basis for all Internet of Things concepts and installations is the expression of real-world things and processes as mathematical quantities and concepts, and the connecting of individual values and concepts with each other. The basis for all information technology is the reduction of reality to figures and calculable structures. Mathematics is the foundation of computer science, and thus the foundation of ubiquitous computing.


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How to Cite

Martin Heidegger‘s Notions of World and Technology in the Internet of Things age. (2015). Asian Journal of Computer and Information Systems, 3(2).

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