Enhancing Social Networking Technologies Adoption through Perceived Usefulness: The setting of Ugandan Institutions of Higher Learning


  • Keefa Bwiino Makerere University Business School
  • Geoffrey Mayoka Kituyi Information & Communication Technology University, Cameroon
  • Ibrahim A Musenze


Key Words, Social Networking Technologies, Perceived Usefulness, Technology Acceptance Model, User Generated Content, SNT Adoption


Social Networking Technologies (SNTs) play a major role in education by improving student academic performance through informal learning. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of Perceived Usefulness on the adoption of Social Networking Technologies in institutions of higher learning in Uganda. A cross sectional survey methodology was employed to gather data from 146 institutions of higher learning on the variables captured by the modified Perceived Usefulness construct of the Technology Acceptance Model. Results of correlation and regression analysis indicated that a positive and significant relationship exists between Perceived Usefulness and SNTs adoption. These findings have theoretical implications for models of SNTs adoption and practical interventions designed at increasing use of SNTs. The findings of this study suggests that managers of higher institutions of learning should advice users on the usefulness of SNTs adoption in learning so as to improve on their academic job performance, increase productivity and enhance effectiveness in teaching and learning in institutions of higher learning in Uganda.

Author Biographies

  • Keefa Bwiino, Makerere University Business School
    Bwiino Keefa is an Assistant Lecturer of ICT in the Department of Marketing and Management at the Makerere University Business School.
  • Geoffrey Mayoka Kituyi, Information & Communication Technology University, Cameroon
    Kituyi is an Assistant Professor of ICT at The ICT University, Cameroon


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How to Cite

Enhancing Social Networking Technologies Adoption through Perceived Usefulness: The setting of Ugandan Institutions of Higher Learning. (2016). Asian Journal of Computer and Information Systems, 4(5). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJCIS/article/view/4076

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