Development and Quality Assessment of Breakfast Cereals from Blends of Whole Yellow Maize (<i>Zea mays</i>), Soybean (<i>Glycine max</i>) and Unripe Banana (<i>Musa sapientum</i>)


  • Victor E. Ntukidem
  • Edikan I. James



Breakfast Cereals, Yellow maize, Soybeans, Banana, Formulation, Composite flour


Breakfast cereals were produced from yellow maize, soybean and banana flours blended to form different percentage composites. Six composite samples were evaluated to determine the Proximate, Mineral and Vitamin composition, and Sensory qualities. Results of moisture content showed that sample F (0:20:80) had the highest value (6.13±0.02%) while sample E (40:20:40) had the least value (5.42±0.03%), this signifies that sample F (0:20:80) will experience early spoilage compared to sample E (40:20:40). The highest protein content (14.75±0.05) was recorded by sample A (80:20:0), the least value was observed in sample F (0:20:80). Sample A (80:20:0) also had the highest values in fat content (4.82±0.14%) and fibre (4.25±0.03%). Sample F (0:20:80) had the highest value in ash content (3.80±0.03%) and carbohydrate content (76.56±0.05%). For mineral content, there was a significant difference (P<0.05) among the samples. Sample F (0:20:80) had the highest value in iron (68.25±0.26mg/100g), calcium (170.00±0.20mg/100g), potassium (220.80±1.10 mg/100g) and sodium (470.10±0.10 mg/100g). Sample C (60:20:20) had the highest phosphorus content (10.74±0.02 mg/100g). Significant difference (P<0.05) existed among the samples for vitamin composition. Sample E (40:20:40) had the highest vitamin content in both vitamin A (22.01±0.25 mg/100g) and vitamin C (35.42±0.20 mg/100g).  In sensory evaluation, the samples were evaluated with a control sample (Golden morn). Significant difference (P<0.05) existed among the Breakfast cereals. Breakfast cereal served with cold milk, indicated that sample D (50:20:30) had the highest level of acceptability (7.30±0.45) among other samples. Acceptable Breakfast cereals can be produced from 50:20:30 formulation of Yellow Maize:Soybeans:Banana composite flour blends.


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How to Cite

Edima-Nyah, A. P., Ntukidem, V. E., & James, E. I. (2019). Development and Quality Assessment of Breakfast Cereals from Blends of Whole Yellow Maize (<i>Zea mays</i>), Soybean (<i>Glycine max</i>) and Unripe Banana (<i>Musa sapientum</i>). Asian Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 7(4).


