Effect of Legume-Based Intercropping on Crop Yield: A Review
Effect of intercropping with legume on yields of some crops was reviewed. Significantly high yield number of tillers in sugarcane was obtained in sole cropping and cropping at 100% sugarcane (S) + 25% cowpea (C). The least yield number of tillers was obtained at 50, 75 and 100% C grown with 100% S. Sugarcane and cowpea intercrop at 100% each, produced cane yield comparable (P=0.05) to that of; sole sugarcane and cowpea grown at 25, 50 and 75% in combination with sugarcane grown at 100%. Yields of cereals recorded were comparably higher than those obtained in the legume components. Yields of the component legumes were negatively influenced as they declines in the intercropped with high percentage losses. Yield of wheat-vetch intercropped was significantly higher than the sole-grown crop in the first year of intercropping. The same trend was further observed as years of intercropping wheat and vetch increases. Grain yields in soybeans were increased by different proportions of maize + soybean (M+SOY) population. This trend was also recorded in maize yields intercropped with cowpea varieties. In intercropping soybean and sorghum cultivars, results in the first season showed that, seed yields of early and medium maturing cultivars of soybeans (TGX536-02D and SAMSOY-2) were at par, however, significantly higher than the late maturing ones (TGM 344 and Malayan). Soybean seed yields in the second and third seasons of intercropping differed significantly with TGX536-02D cultivar producing higher yields, when cropped with a semi-dwarf sorghum (SAMSORG-17) variety. The land equivalent ratios (LERs) based on the sole crop yields of individual crop and legume components, provides a quantitative evaluation of the yield advantage due to intercropping. Total LER observed, ranged from 1.11 to 2.60; indicating a greater advantage in legume based-intercropping.
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