What happens to Special Education: Will Inclusion be the Solution?


  • Kaarina Määttä University of Lapland
  • Tanja Äärelä University of Lapland
  • Satu Uusiautti University of Lapland


inclusion, special education, students with special needs, various learners


Inclusion has come to stay in our school system. It should guarantee equal study opportunities for all, prevent stigmatizing, and accept heterogeneous students. The goals are promising. If inclusion widens various students study opportunities and enhances equality among children, it will be a giant educational headway. Will special education still be necessary? Can the goals of inclusion become true or will inclusion lead in a situation in which conditions of learning and teaching resources are tighter and everyone’s learning becomes narrower? In this article, we discuss the relationship between special education and inclusion in the current Finnish education system and reflect on the various viewpoints to realize and research inclusive practices at school.



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What happens to Special Education: Will Inclusion be the Solution?. (2017). Asian Journal of Education and E-Learning, 5(5). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJEEL/article/view/4973

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