A Comparative Study of Male Student’s Performance in English as Second Language Classrooms in Niger State, Nigeria


  • Usman Idris Gwarjiko Full Time Commissioner, Niger State Secondary Education Board, Minna, Niger State


Single-gender streaming, placement, single-gender male students, mixed-gender male students and English language


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of gender streaming on the performance of senior secondary school level male students in English language in Niger State. In the course of the work, the researcher compared the performance ofmale students in the single and mixed-gender streams in English Language. The population of the study was 53,468 from 248 schools of both single and mixed gender streams. Out of this, one single-gender male class of sixty-eight and one mixed-gender class of thirty-three male students were sampled from senior secondary schools in Minna metropolis. The researcher adopted quasi-experimental research design. The instruments used for data collection were the NECO 2011 November/December past question papers that served as the test instruments, the curriculum content and prepared lesson notes used during treatment. Frequency counts and the Arithmetic means were used for descriptive analysis. The t-test statistical technique was used for inferential analysis to test the hypotheses. This study is anchored on Bandura (1986)’s social learning theory since it emphasises the importance of biological, social and cultural impacts on human behavioural development and learning especially on gender and genders specific traits and roles. The results revealed that there was a significant difference between the performance of single and mixed-gender male students in both pretest and posttest. Equally too, the single-gendered male students performed better than the mixed-gender male ones and the results of the single-gender male students were generally encouraging while that of mixed gender male students was very poor. It was therefore, concluded that the single-gender streaming was effective in enhancing better academic performance for male students especially in English language in Niger State. Consequently, the researcher recommends that the Niger State Government encouragesthe single-gender stream system through a vibrant, viable and feasible policy with workable implementation strategy.



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How to Cite

A Comparative Study of Male Student’s Performance in English as Second Language Classrooms in Niger State, Nigeria. (2015). Asian Journal of Education and E-Learning, 3(5). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJEEL/article/view/3217

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