Academic Achievement and Gender Peer Effects on Social Comparisons and Self-Regulated Learning Behaviors in A Taiwanese EFL Context


  • Wan-Jeng Chang Overseas Chinese Universit



peer effects, social comparisons, self-regulated learning behaviors, English as a Foreign Language (EFL)


The main purpose of the present article is to estimate academic achievement and gender peer effects on social comparisons and self-regulated learning behaviors in a Taiwanese EFL context. The participating students were 50 non-English-major freshmen studying in Central Taiwan. Analyses of the data reveal the following findings. First, female students preferred or felt more comfortable making social comparisons with other female students, and they applied more self-regulated learning strategies. Second, male students had a stronger drive to make social comparisons, and they would prepare harder over time for the tests. Third, students with relatively low ability tended toward upward comparison and tended to give up or only study the easy parts.



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How to Cite

Academic Achievement and Gender Peer Effects on Social Comparisons and Self-Regulated Learning Behaviors in A Taiwanese EFL Context. (2018). Asian Journal of Education and E-Learning, 6(5).

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