Effect of Differently Processed Manihot Esculenta Crantz (Cassava) Leaves on the Growth Performance of Weaner Rabbits


  • Vantsawa Philip Anthony Department of biological Sciences NDA Kaduna
  • Okenarhe Samuel Oghenerukevwe


Manihot esculenta crantz, weaner rabbits, antinutritional, ad-libitum


A study was carried out to evaluate the effect of differently processed Manihot esculenta crantz (cassava) leaves on the growth performance and hematological parameters of weaner rabbits. The processed leaves were as follows: shade dry (SHD), per boiled and shade dry (PBSHD), sun-dry (SND) and fresh (FH). The control group was given spinach leaves. The proximate analysis and the anti-nutritional factors of the experimental leaves were determined. Twenty rabbits were used for the experiment in which they were randomly assigned to five treatments. There were four rabbits per treatment and each treatment was replicated twice with 2 rabbits per replicate. Concentrate rabbit feed, the experimental leaves and water were given ad-libitum to each group. The proximate analysis shows that PBSHD and SHD was significantly (P<0.05) higher in dry matter than the rest of the treatments. The PBSHD is also higher in crude protein than the rest. The SND is higher in crude fibre and ether extract. The method of processing did not affect the Ca and P level since there was no significant difference (P>0.05) among treatments. The values for anti-nutritional factors was significantly higher (P<0.05) in the fresh leaves than in the treated leaves. The weight gain was significantly higher (P<0.05) in the control than other treatments. The least performance was observed among those fed fresh leaves. Feed consumption was higher for PBSHD and SND. The cost per kilogram gain was significantly (P<0.05) higher for the control treatment. The feed to gain ratio was better for the control followed by the PBSHD and SND. Mortality was not affected by the methods of treatment of the experimental leaves.




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How to Cite

Effect of Differently Processed Manihot Esculenta Crantz (Cassava) Leaves on the Growth Performance of Weaner Rabbits. (2014). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(3). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJAS/article/view/1320

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