Assessment of Some Antinutritional Compounds and Some Organic Acids of "bètè-bètè"yam (Dioscorea alata) Tubers as Influenced by Boiling Times


  • Assa Cyrille Didier
  • Konan Kouassi Hubert Université Nangui Abrogoua UFR Sciences et Technologie des Aliments Laboratoire de Biochimie et Technologie des Aliments 22 BP 1297 Abidjan 22
  • Kouakou Martin Djè
  • Fankroma Martial Koné
  • Assoi Yapi Desiré Yapi
  • Jean Parfait N’guessan Eugène Kouadio
  • Lucien Patrice Kouamé


Dioscorea alata, "bèbè-bètè", antinutritional, phenolic compounds, organic acids,


Yam tubers of "Bètè-bètè" variety belonging to Dioscorea alata species were boiled at different times (10 min, 20 min and 30 min). Some antinutritional factors and organic acids level of tubers were analyzed using standard procedures and methods during boiling times. The boiling reduced significantly (p ≤ 0.05) the antinutrient contents such as total andsoluble oxalate, tannin,phytate and total phenolic compounds with respective loss of 46.92 %, 63.72 %, 38.89%, 37.02 % and 54.46 % until 30 min after boiling. It also decreased the phenolic compounds levels such as Gallic acid Catechin Quercetin Coumarin, the organic acids levels such as Tannic, fumaric, citric, Tartaric, Salicylic, Ascorbic and Sulfanilic acids at different boiling times. Furthermore, the reduction of oxalate content after the hydrothermal treatment seemed remarkable.



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How to Cite

Assessment of Some Antinutritional Compounds and Some Organic Acids of "bètè-bètè"yam (Dioscorea alata) Tubers as Influenced by Boiling Times. (2014). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(4).

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