Assessment of Chemical Composition and Nutritional Value of Some Varieties of Okra Available in the Market of Daloa (Côte d’Ivoire)
Okra, proximate composition, nutrients constituents, Côte d’IvoireAbstract
Six okra varieties (F1 Yodana, Kirikou, Volta, Yeleen, Kousko and Local) sold and consumed in Daloa (Côte d’Ivoire) were evaluated with regards to the nutritional, antioxidant and mineral contents. The result of the study revealed that the proximate composition in dry weight basis was significantly (P < 0.05) varied and ranged: dry matter 87.83-92.33%, crude protein 13.65-22.63%, crude fat 2.78-3.94%, crude fiber 21.08-26.70%, crude ash 7.16-10.59%, carbohydrate 39.28-54.25%, and energy value 274.78-297.97 kcal/100 g. Volta had the highest content in both protein and fat. Yeleen had the highest ash content, Local had the highest fiber content, while Kirikou presented the highest content in both carbohydrate and energy values. The phenolic content ranges from 111.42 to 156.00 mg/100 g while the vitamin C ranges from 25.30 to 49.60 mg/100 g in dry weight basis. Volta had the highest content in both phenolic and vitamin C. The mineral contents (mg/100 g) in dry weight basis were also significantly (P < 0.05) varied. Potassium was the most abundant macro-element (1642.71-2519.84) followed by calcium (460.80-767.72), magnesium (345.46-432.70) and Iron (0.42-3.18) in all the varieties. Interrelationships between the parameters analysed and the different okra varieties were investigated by principal component analysis (PCA). PCA revealed differences between the okra varieties and classified them into three groups on the basis of the measured parameters: Group 1 (F1 Yodana, Volta and Local), Group 2 (Kirikou and Kousko) and Group 3 (Yeleen). This study provided important information about the nutritional composition of okra from Daloa, which can help to increase production and consumption of these nutrient-rich vegetables and will help reduce the nutrition-related disorders in Africa.
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