Problematic Behaviors Observed among Adolescents and Regarding Factors: Case of Turkey


  • AyÅŸe Åžener Taplak
  • Sevinç Polat


Problematic Behaviors, Adolescents, Nurse, Turkey.


This study was conducted to determine problematic behaviors observed among adolescent in Turkey. The study was conducted as a descriptive and cross-sectional study. The sample group of the study was composed of 131 adolescents aged between 11 and 18 years. It was determined that the leading problem was suicide attempt by 44.4%, the second problem was injuring behaviors by 40.4%, and these problems were followed by other problematic behaviors (15.2%). These results suggest that risky families, children, and adolescents should be detected and followed up by nurses and appropriate interventions should be made.



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How to Cite

Problematic Behaviors Observed among Adolescents and Regarding Factors: Case of Turkey. (2016). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 4(4).

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