Seeing through Civic Engagement among Chinese and American College Students


  • Sarah Min Dalton State College
  • May Gao Kennesaw State University


Civic engagement is becoming more and more popular among college students, both in the U.S. and in China. This study explores the similarities and differences in civic engagement attitudes and behavior of college students in both the U.S. and China. Three hundred and seventy college students from both countries participated in an online survey with measures of cultural values and of civic engagement attitudes and behaviors. There are significant findings in the study. Data were gathered to determine whether participants’ national cultures or cultural values would predict their civic engagement attitudes and behaviors. Specifically, hypotheses and research questions focused on the relationship among nationality, culture values, and civic engagement attitudes and behaviors. Also which group of participants have higher score in both civic engagement behavior and attitude, and why. Lastly, the findings have important implications for our understanding individualism and collectivism as these relate to national cultures. It also yields practical implications for college teachers and administrators who want to illustrate or want to improve civic engagement either in or outside the class for students.



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How to Cite

Seeing through Civic Engagement among Chinese and American College Students. (2016). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 4(4).