Corrosion Inhibition and Quantum Mechanical Studies of Galvanized Steel Sheets in Chloride Environment


  • S. Karthikeyan Professor, Metal Finishing Research Lab, Manufacturing Division, School of Mechanical and Building sciences, VIT University,Vellore-632014,India
  • P. A. Jeeva
  • K. Raja


antibiotics, hydrogen permeation, corrosion inhibitors, green inhibition


The corrosion inhibition of galvanized steel (GI steel)sheets  in 5% NaCl with Esomeprazole (EPZ) as green inhibitor has been reported  by Mass  loss, Potentiodynamic  polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy ,  hydrogen permeation and quantum mechanical  studies. All these techniques reveal that the EPZinhibits the corrosion of galvanized steel in 5% NaCl medium.Polarization studies indicated that inhibitors are acted as mixed type inhibitor. The adsorption of the compounds on galvanized steel surface follows Langmuir adsorption isotherm.



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How to Cite

Corrosion Inhibition and Quantum Mechanical Studies of Galvanized Steel Sheets in Chloride Environment. (2015). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(1).

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