Music-therapy Study of Music’s Preferences and Regulation Properties in Healthy and Depressive People


  • Mariola Kokowska SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Psychology Department, Chodakowska st.19/31, 03815 Warsaw, Poland Laboratory of Music-therapy, Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, al. Sobieskiego 1/9, 02957 Warsaw, Poland
  • Maria Dymnikowa Laboratory of Music-therapy, Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, al. Sobieskiego 1/9, 02957 Warsaw, Poland Association of Musical Psychologists and Psychotherapists, Akademika Anohina st. 38/3, 119602, Moscow Laboratory of Psychophysiology of Speech, I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Makarova nab. 6, 199034 Saint-Petersburg



Music-therapy in healthy people and with depression, Musical preferences in music-therapy, Music’s regulation properties


The article describes experimental applied music-therapy study about differential characteristics of personality and musical preferences traits for music’s regulation properties established empirically in a sample of 92 people, selected by illness, gender and education factors, with psychological musical measurement of TIPI, STOMP and MMR tools, with data of musical factor analysis and psychological analysis of distribution’s difference, as pragmatic music-therapy function for human’s health.


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How to Cite

Music-therapy Study of Music’s Preferences and Regulation Properties in Healthy and Depressive People. (2019). Asian Journal of Pharmacy, Nursing and Medical Sciences, 7(3).

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