Research of Psychometric Characteristics of Inventory of Psychological Gender Estimation and Thematic Validity Analysis with Musical Identity Test in Population with Mental Disorders


  • Maria Dymnikowa Laboratory of Music-therapy, Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, Warsaw, Poland
  • Elżbieta Galińska Association of Musical Psychologists and Psychotherapists, Moscow, Russia



Clinical musical-psychological diagnosis, Psychometrics of clinical population data, Features of psychological identity, Self-Identification of psychological gender


The article describes the clinical psychometrical research about internal reliability of Inventory of Psychological Gender Estimation with established normalized scales for population with mental disorders, and its thematic validity with Musical Identity Test scales for condition and independence between 2 diagnostic tools’ scores, for the duration of clinical musical psychological diagnosis and clinical music therapy for mental disorders.


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How to Cite

Research of Psychometric Characteristics of Inventory of Psychological Gender Estimation and Thematic Validity Analysis with Musical Identity Test in Population with Mental Disorders. (2023). Asian Journal of Pharmacy, Nursing and Medical Sciences, 10(4).

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