Comparison of Locomotor Movement Skills in 8-9 Years Old Children Coming from Two Areas of Thessaloniki with Contrasting Socioeconomic Status
movement skills, different socio-economic areas, Ulrich (TGMD)Abstract
The purpose of the present study was to examine the movement skills of 100 elementary school children, aged 8 and 9, coming from two socially and financially distinctive areas of Thessaloniki. The children’s mobility performance was assessed using the Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD) developed by Ulrich, which evaluates six different locomotor skills. The children’s performances were compared in relation to the area they inhabit, the educational background of their parents and their participation in sport clubs. The statistical analysis of the data was carried out using a t-test and an analysis of variance (one-way Anova). It was found that there are statistically significant differences in the scores of children on the basis of their school of origin, while no statistically significant differences were observed concerning children’s participation in sport clubs. Furthermore it has been found that there is a relation between the mobility performance of the children and their maternal educational background and none with their father’s educational background. The mobility performance scores of children originating from the less privileged socially and financially area, were higher thus leading us to assume that a free physical activity of ludic nature provides richer motor experiences than an organized athletic activity.
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