Views of 10-12 Years Old Girls about Sports, Free Time and their Relation with BIM


  • Aggeliki Tsapakidou Preschool Department of the University of Western Macedonia of Greece
  • Ioannis Papadelis Preschool Department of the University of Western Macedonia of Greece
  • Xrusa Papadeli Preschool Department of the University of Western Macedonia of Greece
  • Dora Nikolaidou Preschool Department of the University of Western Macedonia of Greece


The aim of this study was to examine factors such as BMI in relation to girls’ age and  attitude towards athletics. The participants were girls 10-12 years old (M.=10,98 years, S. d.=0,82 years) and were chosen from all primary schools of a city of West Macedonia, (685 girls: 235 ten years olds, 230 eleven years olds and 220 twelve years olds).  Questionnaires were used in order to count a) girls’ Body Mass Index (BMI), b) distribution of parents’ athletic activities, c) distribution of girls’ athletic activities based on their future intentions and d)  the reasons for the lack of free time to exercise. Chi Square Test and One Way ANOVA were used in order to analyse data. The statistical analysis of the data showed  significant difference (p<0,001) in the distribution of girls’ BMIa) the frequency of their weekly exercise, b) their parents’ exercise, c) girls’s involvement in athletics and their desire to exercise in the future, and d) the differentiation of the three age categories and the reasons of lack of free time. Thus, the above factors affect girls’ involvement in athletic activities.


Key – Words: Obesity, Body Mass Index (BMI), Free Time

Author Biographies

  • Aggeliki Tsapakidou, Preschool Department of the University of Western Macedonia of Greece
    Associate Professor of the Preschool Department of the University of Western Macedonia of Greece
  • Ioannis Papadelis, Preschool Department of the University of Western Macedonia of Greece
    Phd, Primary education consultant
  • Xrusa Papadeli, Preschool Department of the University of Western Macedonia of Greece
    Phd, Primary education consultant
  • Dora Nikolaidou, Preschool Department of the University of Western Macedonia of Greece
    Graduate Master


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How to Cite

Views of 10-12 Years Old Girls about Sports, Free Time and their Relation with BIM. (2014). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 2(3).