A Review of Knowledge-Based Interventions for Mental Health Self-Management


  • Sena Okuboyejo Department of Computer and Information Science, Covenant University, Nigeria




knowledge base, mental health, semantic network, conversational agents


Mental health disorders have affected people's everyday lives globally, showing rapid growth. Effective detection, diagnosis, and treatment of MSDs can occur by utilizing increasingly substantial amounts of available health data from diverse sources. However, there are many challenges in developing effective treatment models for this condition. The challenges are further complicated by the volume, heterogeneity, interoperability, propagation, and complexity of data, especially with the emergence of big data. Knowledge management and knowledge-based systems have significantly impacted healthcare quality and delivery, especially patient self-management. In this work, we review knowledge-based applications for mental health self-management. The research efforts are synthesized, discussing shortcomings and future research directions.  

Author Biography

  • Sena Okuboyejo, Department of Computer and Information Science, Covenant University, Nigeria
    Department of Computer and Information Science


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How to Cite

A Review of Knowledge-Based Interventions for Mental Health Self-Management. (2024). Asian Journal of Computer and Information Systems, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.24203/fj1ybg65

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