Development of a Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine Viewer with an Input Device for Paging in Multislice Computed Tomography


  • Hidekazu Hattori School of Medicine, Fujita Health University
  • Tatsuo Banno




The number of images generated in a single scan has considerably increased with the introduction of multislice computed tomography (CT). However, this high number of images cannot be handled by standard film interpretation. Therefore, conventional thick-slice images and three-dimensional (3D) workstations are employed to enable diagnoses from such data. To address this problem, we developed a multislice CT Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) viewer with a dedicated desktop console comprising input devices designed for various functions. The functions normally provided on 3D workstations were omitted from this viewer. Rather, the dedicated desktop console includes a three-step variable-speed encoder. This study aimed to compare our viewer with an existing multipurpose image observation system. Here, we describe the development of our multislice CT DICOM viewer, characterized by its intuitive operability mediated through the combination of a dedicated desktop console and software for stress-free image interpretation. We compared the operabilities of the different slide lever encoder-operated control programs on our multislice CT DICOM viewer and dedicated desktop console. We also compared the ease of use and operability during the mouse-mediated paging of the dedicated desktop console associated with our multislice CT DICOM viewer and a commercially available multipurpose image observation system. Our system was found to be superior to the commercially available system with regards to the paging speed and the ease of use. To avoid image skipping and to prevent mouse-induced problems such as tendonitis during paging, it will be necessary to provide alternative input devices that are suitable for paging and compatible with the associated driver software. In conclusion, tools other than a mouse can be useful for multipurpose image observation systems.

Author Biography

  • Hidekazu Hattori, School of Medicine, Fujita Health University
    Department of Radiology, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Development of a Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine Viewer with an Input Device for Paging in Multislice Computed Tomography. (2014). Asian Journal of Computer and Information Systems, 2(6).