The Structure of Concept Lattice Based on Matroidal Approach


  • Hua Mao


matroid, bipartite graph, concept lattice,


For a context, using an inducing bipartite graph, this paper provides a character-ization for a concept and establishes a matroid. Further, with the assistance of thismatroid, this paper seeks out the lattice structure of all the concepts with a hierarchicalorder. All these results shows the potential and merit in using matroidal approachesfor designing and studying concept lattice.


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Asian Journal of Computer and Information Systems (ISSN: 2321 – 5658)

Volume 03– Issue 03, August 2015








How to Cite

The Structure of Concept Lattice Based on Matroidal Approach. (2015). Asian Journal of Computer and Information Systems, 3(3).

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