The Development of Audio-Visual Learning Media in Islamic Cultural History Subject for Eight Grade Students of MT’s Al-Amanah, Jeneponto


  • Ihdiana Department of Educational Science, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
  • Ismail Tolla Department of Educational Science, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
  • Jumadi Department of Educational Science, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia



Learning, Media, Audio Visual


The problem in this research were: what is the level of learning implementation and learning achievement of History and Culture of the VIII grade students of MTs Al-Amanah in Jeneponto Regency? The purpose of this study is to describe: An overview of the implementation of learning and learning achievement levels History of Islamic culture in class VIII students of MTs Al-Amanah in Jeneponto Regency. This research was development research (R&D). Development research was research which was oriented towards the development or refinement of a science in overcame a problem directly through an action and self-reflection based on the results of the research, which aimed to improve or enhance educational services that must be carried out in the context of classroom learning. Based on the research results that have been described in the previous chapter, the research results were formulated as follows: Achievement of learning Islamic History and Culture using audio-visual media Students of class VIII MTs Al-Amanah in Jeneponto Regency has a significant increase. Of the 38 students at Madrasa Tsanawiyah Al-Amanah Jeneponto Regency, 20 people got the high category and 13 people got the high enough category after taking action using audio-visual media. Different things before being given the action of using audio-visual media in Islamization learning material activities in South Sulawesi.


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How to Cite

The Development of Audio-Visual Learning Media in Islamic Cultural History Subject for Eight Grade Students of MT’s Al-Amanah, Jeneponto. (2022). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 10(1).

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