On the Probability in General Physics from the Perspective of the Energy Structure


  • Saeed Shahsavari Department of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran




Energy Space; Energy Structure; Second Law of Thermodynamics; Probability; Feasible processes


What are the all final possible states that a physical system can reach when some energy is applied to the system? This question can be known as one of the physical questions that relate to the probability in physics. The second law of thermodynamics is known as the base of the probability concept that is raised in modern physics, while this concept is extracted in physical theories by different meanings. As a new approach to investigate the probability, at first, the energy space concept is extracted and then by applying the effects of the second law of thermodynamics on it, the energy structure is presented. The energy structure of the system is a new perspective to investigate the probability, and by using it, the relation between all possible accessible states, when some energy is applied to the system, can be determined.


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How to Cite

On the Probability in General Physics from the Perspective of the Energy Structure. (2021). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.24203/ajas.v9i1.6536

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