Development of Agropolitan Area Based on Local Economic Potential (A Case Study: Belajen Agropolitan Area, Enrekang District)


  • Haeruddin Saleh
  • Batara Surya Regional and Town Planning of University 45 Makassar
  • Chalid Imran Musa
  • H. Muhammad Azis


Agropolitan, Rural Agribusiness, Economic Impact, Local Economic, and Superior Products.


This research was conducted at Belajen agropolitan area, Enrekang District by analyzing the development of the agropolitan that takes advantage of the local economic potential. This paper is directed to examine and analyze the production result of horticultural commodity potential as a base sector that can be developed in order to support Belajen agropolitan area. The research method chosen was a case study using a quantitative-qualitative approach. We chose the approaches due to; (i) the growing reality is not singular but plural, (ii) this paper is intended to describe the local economic potential associated with the development of Belajen agropolitan area and (iii) Belajen agropolitan area has not been fully developed through the support facilities and infrastructures, the institutional role of community and the creation of horticultural commodity products - based rural agribusiness.

The results of the study illustrate that the implementation of agropolitan area by bottom-up approach in this case is the process of formulating public policy that starts from the bottom, meaning that all existing problems in the lower classes (regions) then are discussed by the government to look for alternative solutions appropriate policies. Through this approach the policy issued by the government is effective because it corresponds to what is needed by the community, the provision of facilities and infrastructure for production, agribusiness activity and the development of human resources. Therefore, the agricultural productivity of the community at the agropolitan area experiencing growth and by quantitative analysis, the superior products as the basis for the development of agropolitan area can be determined. Then, the determination of the model is used to see how the working process of agropolitan area which is determined by the infrastructure, human resources, institutional, policy and natural resource potential.


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How to Cite

Development of Agropolitan Area Based on Local Economic Potential (A Case Study: Belajen Agropolitan Area, Enrekang District). (2017). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 5(1).

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