Evaluation of Knowledge Enhancement in Early Detection Stimulation Programs Toddlers Growth and Development in Tigo Balehbutittinggi City Community Health Centre 2013


  • Yulita Gani
  • Suyud Warno Utomo Faculty of Public Health University of Indonesia and Center for Research of Human Resources snd The Environment, Post Graduate Program University of Indonesia


Keywords, SDIDTK Knowledge, Toddlers, Children Quality


This Public Health Practice aims at evaluating the existing health programs in Tigo Baleh Bukittinggi Community Health Center compared to the Minimum Service Standard and the Millennium Development Goal's (MDG's). The scope in this evaluation is the scope conducted during 2011-2012. The problem priority decision-making is calculated using Delbeq method. The Early Detection Intervention Stimulation Program for Toddlers Growth and Development (SDIDTK) is a priority problem. The lack of commitment of all parties to this program became the root of the main problem why this program did not work properly which resulted in a poor quality of toddlers and high rates of toddlers morbidity. The establishment of Toddlers Growth and Development Forum involving all sectors, programs and communities is expected to reduce the toddler morbidity and in toddler growth and development irregularities, so that the resulting children are qualified ones.

Keywords: SDIDTK Knowledge; Toddlers; Children Quality


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How to Cite

Evaluation of Knowledge Enhancement in Early Detection Stimulation Programs Toddlers Growth and Development in Tigo Balehbutittinggi City Community Health Centre 2013. (2016). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 4(3). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJAS/article/view/3628

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