The Relation between Knowledge of HIV-AIDS, Attitude, Behavior and the Incidence of STIs in Housewives in Bukittinggi City, West Sumatra Province 2013


  • Yulita Gani
  • Suyud Warno Utomo Faculty of Public Health University of Indonesia and Center for Research of Human Resources snd The Environment, Post Graduate Program University of Indonesia


Knowledge and behavior, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Housewives,


This study aims to determine the relationship between theknowledge ofHIV-AIDS, attitude and behavior of housewives and the occurence of Sexually Transmitted Infections. Some knowledgesabout HIV-AIDS are namely the way of transmission, prevention, correct perception, and comprehensive knowledge. This study uses a quantitative method. The results of the study show that there is no correlation between knowledge of HIV-AIDS with the occurence of sexually transmitted infections. The factor associated with sexually transmitted infections is behavior. Predecessor factors and husband's behavior also affect the incidence of sexually transmitted infections. Respondents with higher levels of education, more mature age of sexual activity, non-risky sexual behavior will be able to reduce the occurence of STIs.



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How to Cite

The Relation between Knowledge of HIV-AIDS, Attitude, Behavior and the Incidence of STIs in Housewives in Bukittinggi City, West Sumatra Province 2013. (2016). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 4(3).

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