Health Evaluation on Pilgrims Food in Hajj Dormitory Pondok Gede Jakarta


  • Suyud Warno Utomo Faculty of Public Health University of Indonesia and Center for Research of Human Resources snd The Environment, Post Graduate Program University of Indonesia
  • Guntur Agus Triwibowo


Food Safety, Hygiene Sanitation, Knowledge of food health and environment


The implementation of pilgrimage is part of the health dimension that involves many people and requires special attention in the food supply because it has a great potential of outbreak of food poisoning. Therefore, it is necessary to hold food safety supervision so that the food consumed by the pilgrims meetsthe health requirements. The research methodology is descriptive, to describe the safety supervision activitieson the pilgrims food. The result of sanitation inspection on the catering environment showsthat 6 times (22%) did not meet health requirements. Laboratory test results showed 37.5% of food samples examined did not meet health requirements. So that it is necessary to optimizethe supervision by involving cross-sector control so that the food consumed by pilgrims does not cause foodborne illness.



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How to Cite

Utomo, S. W., & Triwibowo, G. A. (2016). Health Evaluation on Pilgrims Food in Hajj Dormitory Pondok Gede Jakarta. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 4(2). Retrieved from




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