Effects of Perception of Health on Hemodialysis Dependent Individuals’ Nonadherence to Diet and Fluid Restriction


  • Safiye Yanmış Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University, Faculty of Health Science, Department of Internal Medicine Nursing
  • Seher Ergüney Ataturk University, Faculty of Nursing, Department of Internal Medicine Nursing




Diet, hemodialysis, perception of health, fluid restriction, nonadherence.


Purpose: The present study was conducted to determine the effects of health perception on hemodialysis-dependent individuals’ noncompliance to diet and fluid restriction. Material and method: The study was designed as a descriptive, cross ‐sectional, and correlational study. Findings: In the study, it was determined that the perception of health is related to a noncompliance to diet and fluid restriction and that their noncompliance to diet and fluid restriction levels decreased as their levels perception of health increased. Conclusion: Determining hemodialysis-dependent individuals’ perception of health and providing them with professional support will contribute to reducing noncompliance to diet and fluid restriction.



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How to Cite

Effects of Perception of Health on Hemodialysis Dependent Individuals’ Nonadherence to Diet and Fluid Restriction. (2020). Asian Journal of Pharmacy, Nursing and Medical Sciences, 8(3). https://doi.org/10.24203/ajpnms.v8i3.6197

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