A Perspective on Childhood Obesity in General and Libya in Particular
childhood obesity, Libya, body mass index(BMI)Abstract
Aim: The prevalence of obesity and overweight and their association with socioeconomic status (SES) and the risk factors like diet, physical activity like exercise, sports, eating habits like junk food, chocolate, eating outside at weekend were recorded in school children near Chennai.
Material and Methods: The study was carried out in 900 school children of 12–18 years of age and having different SES. The obesity and overweight were considered using an updated body mass index reference. SES and life style factors were determined using questionnaire.
Results: Age-adjusted prevalence of overweight was found to be 10.0% among boys and 8.0% among girls whereas the prevalence of obesity was 2.9% in boys and 1.5% in girls. The prevalence of overweight among children was higher in middle socioeconomic status group (SES) as compared to high SES group in both boys and girls whereas the prevalence of obesity was higher in high SES group as compared to middle SES group. The prevalence of obesity as well as overweight in low SES group was the lowest as compared to other group. Eating habit like junk food, chocolate, eating outside at weekend and physical activity like exercise, sports, having remarkable effect on prevalence on overweight and obesity among middle to high SES group.
Conclusion: The present data suggest that the prevalence of overweight and obesity varies remarkably with different socioeconomic development levels.Â
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