A Survey: Health Professionals’ Attitude towards Patient Rights and Patient Safety


  • Zohre Kiyancicek
  • Ozden Dedeli Celal Bayar University Shool of Health Istasyon Mevkii 45020 Manisa
  • Emel Yildiz
  • Gulcin Senakin


Patient safety, patient rights, health care professionals


Background: Patient rights and patient safety are the important issues in healthcare quality. The aim of this study was to identify health professionals’ attitudes towards patient safety and patient rights. Subjects and Methods: The sample included 224 nurses, 42 midwives, 52 health officers employed in three hospitals. The research data was collected with personal information form, the Attitudes Toward Patient Safety Questionnaire and the Attitudes Toward Patient Rights Questionnaire. Results: All of the participants had positive attitudes towards patient safety and patient rights. It was found that there was significant correlation between attitudes toward patient safety scores and attitudes towards patient rights scores. The health professionals’ general and specific knowledge about patient safety and patient rights were ‘good’. Conclusion: The results from our study highlight that the health professionals had positive attitudes toward patient rights and patient safety.



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How to Cite

A Survey: Health Professionals’ Attitude towards Patient Rights and Patient Safety. (2014). Asian Journal of Pharmacy, Nursing and Medical Sciences, 2(1). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJPNMS/article/view/836

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