Satisfaction with Quality of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Provided by Governmental Health Care System in the Gaza Strip, Palestine


  • Nasser Ibrahim Abu-El-Noor College or Nursing, Islamic University of Gaza
  • Bettina Bottcher
  • Mysoon K. Abu-El-Noor



Client satisfaction, Sexual and reproductive health, Antenatal care, Postnatal care, Gaza Strip, Palestine


Background and aim: In our dynamically changing world, incorporating patients’ perception into quality assessment and assessing clients’ satisfaction about provided services became a major component in the healthcare mission. The aim of this study is to assess clients’ satisfaction with sexual and reproductive health services provided by governmental primary health care centers in the Gaza Strip.

Methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive design was used. A total of 128 clients who used sexual and reproductive healthcare services provide by governmental primary health care centers completed a survey that was prepared by the research team.

Results: The majority of participants (77.3%) were satisfied with the services they received. Most of the items of the questionnaire received scores close to the neutral point of 3 on a Likert scale of 1-5. The only demographic variable that influenced participants’ level of satisfaction was age.

Conclusion: Although the majority of participants in this study were satisfied with the sexual and reproductive health services they received, the mean scores for most items of the questionnaire were around the neutral point of three. This should be an impetus for healthcare policy makers and healthcare providers to work harder to improve quality of provided healthcare services, and thus; improving clients’ satisfaction with provided services.

Author Biography

  • Nasser Ibrahim Abu-El-Noor, College or Nursing, Islamic University of Gaza
    Assistant Professor, College of Nursing


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How to Cite

Satisfaction with Quality of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Provided by Governmental Health Care System in the Gaza Strip, Palestine. (2020). Asian Journal of Pharmacy, Nursing and Medical Sciences, 8(2).

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