Reproductive Health Knowledge and Services Utilization among Rural Adolescents in Machakal district, Northwest Ethiopia


  • Alemu Abajobir Amanuel Lecturer and Researcher in Debremarkos University
  • Assefa S Seme Assistant professor, Addis Ababa University


Rural adolescent, Reproductive Health Knowledge, Services utilization


The objective of this study was to assess the reproductive health knowledge and services utilization among rural adolescents in Machakel district, Northwest Ethiopia. A community-based cross-sectional mixed method study was conducted to assess the reproductive health knowledge and services utilization. More than two-third (67%) of the adolescents had knowledge about reproductive health issues.  Late adolescence (AOR=3.77, 95%CI (3.1, 8.98)), residing with grandparents and/or other relatives (AOR=2.21, 95%CI (1.81, 6.04)) and being from rich families (AOR=3.37, 95%CI (1.65, 6.87)) were associated with reproductive health knowledge. However, only a fifth (21.5%) of the adolescents has ever utilized reproductive health services. Parent (s) disapproval, lack of basic information and peer pressure from were found to deter adolescents from accessing reproductive health services.  Late adolescents had more tendencies to use reproductive health services (AOR=2.18, 95%CI (1.13, 8.03)). The likelihood of utilizing reproductive health services was significantly associated with knowledge for reproductive health (AOR=1.23, 95%CI (1.23-4.21)). It was found that reproductive health knowledge and services utilization amongst rural adolescents remained insufficient. Community-conversation in line with adolescent-to-adolescent-counseling, peer education and parent-adolescent communication should address sensitive topics such as sex education and other reproductive health issues.

Author Biographies

  • Alemu Abajobir Amanuel, Lecturer and Researcher in Debremarkos University
    Reproductive and Family Health, Lecturer
  • Assefa S Seme, Assistant professor, Addis Ababa University
    Reproductive and Family Health


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How to Cite

Reproductive Health Knowledge and Services Utilization among Rural Adolescents in Machakal district, Northwest Ethiopia. (2013). Asian Journal of Pharmacy, Nursing and Medical Sciences, 1(1).

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