Hemispheric Music Processing and Learning Efficiency Improvement in Children with ADHD and Healthy During Working Aural Musical Memory Training at Its Optimal Maturity Age


  • Maria Dymnikowa


working aural musical memory training, language and mathematics learning efficiency, ADHD, hemispheric music processing


Working memory training has influence on the learning efficiency processing with near and far transfers effects. The music is the matter of bilateral stimulation during its listening or music working memory training stimulation, with respecting of memory span limitation during training processing. The aim of the present experimental-correlation study, on the children aged 12th healthy and with ADHD inattentive pattern, was experimental verification of: I. influence of the working aural musical memory training stimulation, as dynamical part-time brain condition during aural music perception, with duration of 3 months (35 training sessions at three times per week for 1,5 h), as near transfer effect, on the outcome cognitive learning efficiency improvement - in mathematics or language development and in the time abridgement for school homework (working memory efficiency) inflicted in the educational process, with additional income condition of cognitive maturity level in school grades’ average indicator; II. relation between working aural musical memory laterality (income functional condition with outcome dynamical change tendency) and cognitive learning efficiency indicators in both groups during working aural musical memory training stimulation. Income and outcome measure was throught with working aural musical memory psychology measurement, with additional learning efficiency data obtained from 80 subjects. Results suggest that working aural musical training influences the learning efficiency process, with its musical hemispheric specification processing, without differing health and ADHD empiric groups. Working memory training by music stimulation may be important in learning efficiency development in ADHD as well as in healthy children with forming up bilateralism condition and better interhemispheric processing in cognitive and learning functions. Future implications for research are discussed.



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How to Cite

Hemispheric Music Processing and Learning Efficiency Improvement in Children with ADHD and Healthy During Working Aural Musical Memory Training at Its Optimal Maturity Age. (2017). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 5(3). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJHSS/article/view/4856

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