Biological Specifics of Musical Performing Memory Essence for Musical Performance Efficiency


  • Maria Dymnikowa I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Makarova nab. 6, 199034 Saint-Petersburg. Association of Musical Psychologists and Psychotherapists, Akademika Anohina st. 38/3, 119602, Moscow. Laboratory of Music-therapy, Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, al. Sobieskiego 1/9, 02957 Warsaw.
  • Elena A. Ogorodnikova I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Makarova nab. 6, 199034 Saint-Petersburg.
  • Valentin I. Petrushin P. I. Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory, Bolshaya Nikitskaya st. 13/6, 125009 Moscow. Association of Musical Psychologists and Psychotherapists, Akademika Anohina st. 38/3, 119602, Moscow.



musical performing memory, musical performance efficiency, memorizing the classical music work.


In classical music art discipline, the memory for musical performance (i.e., music performing memory MPM) at typological analysis level is the type of musical executive prospective memory. based on executive functions and biological conditions. Its structural components are semantic declarative, kinesthetic, and emotional memory. Musical performance concern the production of musical artwork by vocal or musical instrument forms. The efficiency of this process is conditioned by ergonomic, effective work on learning, and memorizing the music. It is regulated and organized from the level of ‘reading a vista’ the musical notes text until completed memorizing for target level of music performance. The article, from the health psychology mainstream, presents methodical, practical tips with recommendations resulting from the biological principles, regularities, and specifics of this process revealed in the empirical data of such areas as neuropsychology, psychophysiology, cognitive psychology, biological psychology, and music pedagogy, with additional independent empirical verification in counseling of musicians at professional music education level. 


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How to Cite

Dymnikowa, M., Ogorodnikova, E. A., & Petrushin, V. I. (2020). Biological Specifics of Musical Performing Memory Essence for Musical Performance Efficiency. Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 8(2).


