Personal Branding of Mr. Jokowi at the Debate and During His Presidency


  • Ida Ayu Wadanthi Purnama Dewi University of Brawijaya
  • Bambang Dwi Prasetyo University of Brawijaya
  • Anang Sudjoko University of Brawijaya


Personal Branding, Political Communication, Debate


Branding has been pursued as a deliberate strategy by politician in order to catch positive image. Jokowi’s style tends to be more emphasized on direct approach to Indonesian people, as a clean leader and brings changing. Jokowi in general election and during his first six-month presidency has gained a great changing and this fenomena has been proven through media. This research uses qualitative approach with description method. Data collection technique is deep interview. Informant is 4 Jakarta profesionals who have great intention to politics, besides and there are also 2 informants ; Minister for Social Affairs and one of Jokowi’s debate team. Jokowi’s personal branding perception are based on 8 laws of personal branding which are proposed by Peter Montoya. Based on the result of the perception of informants about Jokowi at the debate and during his presidency, it is shown that personal branding of Jokowi has changed in three parts , respectively law of leadership, law of distinctiveness and law of persistence.


Author Biography

  • Ida Ayu Wadanthi Purnama Dewi, University of Brawijaya
    I am student of magister communication at School of Communication Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Brawijaya University,Malang-Indonesia


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How to Cite

Personal Branding of Mr. Jokowi at the Debate and During His Presidency. (2015). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 3(6).

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