The Laicity of the State in Situation in Cameroon: Between Constant Interferences of Politics and Religious and Doubtful Neutrality of the State


  • Atangana Mvogo Florent Guy University of Ngaoundere



Secularism- Cameroon- Political-Religious Interference- Questionable Neutrality


Cameroon has constitutionally taken the option of secularism. But in everyday life, we see that politics and religion are strongly intertwined through interference, sometimes combination and sometimes pathology. In addition, the supposed neutrality of the state vis-à-vis the religious suggests that some actors in the religious segment are privileged over others.

Author Biography

  • Atangana Mvogo Florent Guy, University of Ngaoundere

    Department of Public Law and Political Science



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How to Cite

The Laicity of the State in Situation in Cameroon: Between Constant Interferences of Politics and Religious and Doubtful Neutrality of the State. (2019). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 7(4).

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